I've written a wrapper around these two classes which uses appropriate classes according to iOS version.
find it here
to show a simple alert use this:
Utility.UI.alertShow("message", withTitle: "title", viewController: self);
to show an action view: use this code:
let buttons = [Utility.UI.ActionButton(title: "Say Hello", buttonType: .Default, buttonHandler: { () -> Void in
Utility.UI.askAction("message", withTitle: "title", viewController: self, anchor: Utility.UI.AnchorView.BarButtonItem(button: uibarbuttontapped), buttons: buttons)
In case you are presenting action in iPhone, it will add a cancel button automatically. But you can have custom cancel button by defining a button with type of ".Cancel"
If you want show a modal alert view, use this code:
let cancelBtn = Utility.UI.AlertButton(title: "Cancel", buttonType: .Cancel, buttonHandler: nil)
let okBtn = Utility.UI.AlertButton(title: "OK", buttonType: .Default, buttonHandler: { (textInputs) -> Void in
print("OK button pressed")
Utility.UI.askAlert("message", withTitle: "title", viewController: self, buttons: [cancelBtn, okBtn], textFields: nil)
As you can see, the text fields is set to nil above. You can set it if you want ask something from user, like this:
let cancelBtn = Utility.UI.AlertButton(title: "Cancel", buttonType: .Cancel, buttonHandler: nil)
let okBtn = Utility.UI.AlertButton(title: "OK", buttonType: .Default, buttonHandler: { (textInputs) -> Void in
print("You entered" + textInputs[0])
let textFields = [Utility.UI.AlertTextField(placeHolder: "enter secret text here", defaultValue: "", textInputTraits: TextInputTraits.secretInput())]
Utility.UI.askAlert("Enter password", withTitle: "title", viewController: self, buttons: [cancelBtn, okBtn], textFields: textFields)
You can customize almost everything. e.g by defining custom textInputTrait you can customize text inputs easily. also you have not to deal with delegates, instead simple closures are there. Please read code to find out more.