You want to do it using recursion only You first have to find a way to enumerate all couples in a range. E.g. for the range (a, b)
you want [(0,0), (0,1), ..., (0,a), (1,0), ..., (1,b), ..., (a,b)]
. The first idea is to start with (a, b)
, decrease a
until it reaches 0
and restart with (a,b-1)
We could try something like that:
-- doesn't work
couples 0 0 = [(0,0)]
-- what to do when a reaches 0? v
couples 0 b = [(0,b)] ++ couples *?* (b-1)
couples a b = [(a,b)] ++ couples (a-1) b
When a
reaches 0
, we want to restart from the initial value of a
and decrease b
by one. Hence we have to store the initial value of a
couples' 0 0 _ = [(0,0)]
-- use max_a to set the restart
couples' 0 b max_a = [(0,b)] ++ couples' max_a (b-1) max_a
couples' a b max_a = [(a,b)] ++ couples' (a-1) b max_a
It works:
couples a b = couples' a b a
main = print $ couples 3 2
-- [(3,2),(2,2),(1,2),(0,2),(3,1),(2,1),(1,1),(0,1),(3,0),(2,0),(1,0),(0,0)]
Now, we don't want all the couples, but only those verifying a*a*b*b*b == n
. (Note: I excluded the (0,0)
couple since I assume n /= 0
. If n==0
, then you have a lot of solutions!).
This is simple as:
call' _ 0 0 _ = []
call' n 0 b max_a = call' n max_a (b-1) max_a
call' n a b max_a = (if n==a*a*b*b*b then [(a,b)] else []) ++ call' n (a-1) b max_a
If I write:
call n = call' n max max max
where max = (ceiling.sqrt.fromIntegral) n
I get the following results:
call 24
-- []
call 72
-- [(3,2)]
call 256
-- [(2,4),(16,1)]
call 4096
-- [(1,16),(8,4),(64,1)]
call 46656
-- [(1,36),(8,9),(27,4),(216,1)]
If you only want the count, use this:
call' _ 0 0 _ = 0
call' n 0 b max_a = call' n max_a (b-1) max_a
call' n a b max_a = (if n==a*a*b*b*b then 1 else 0) + call' n (a-1) b max_a
For the record, you can do this with list comprehensions:
Prelude> couples a b = [(i,j)| i<-[0..a], j<-[0..b]]
Prelude> couples 3 2
Prelude> call n = [(a,b)| let max = (ceiling.sqrt.fromIntegral) n, a<-[0..max], b<-[0..max], n==a*a*b*b*b]
Prelude> call 24
Prelude> call 72
Prelude> call 256
Prelude> call 4096
Prelude> call 46656