You cannot pre-allocate a MATLAB array without also changing it's size, at least not manually. However, MATLAB has improved automatic array growth performance a lot in recent versions, so you might not see a huge performance hit. Still, best practice would be to pre-allocate your array with zeros
and index the rows with A(i,:) = rowVec;
instead of appending a row (A = [A; rowVec];
If you are determined to squeeze every bit of performance out of MATLAB, Yair Altman has a couple of excellent articles on the topic of memory pre-allocation:
Automatic Array Growth Optimization
If you really want to use dynamic array resizing by growing along a dimension, there are ways to do it right. See this this MathWorks blog post by Steve Eddins. The most important thing to note is that you should grow along the last dimension for best performance. (i.e. add columns in your case). Yair also discusses dynamic array resizing in another post on his blog.
Also, there are ways of allocating an array without initializing using some hairy MEX API acrobatics, but that's it.