You can use recursive approach :
with r_cte as (
select id, convert(date, startdate) as startdate, convert(date, enddate) as enddate
from ( values (100, '2020-06-04', '2020-06-06'),
(120, '2021-03-01', '2021-03-03')
) t(id, startdate, enddate)
union all
select id, dateadd(day, 1, startdate), enddate
from cte c
where startdate < enddate
), r_cte_seq as (
select r.cte.*, row_number() over(partition by id order by startdate) as seq
from r_cte
), cte_seq as (
select t1.*, row_number() over (partition by ResaID order by staydate) as seq
from t1
update cs
set cs.staydate = rc.startdate
from cte_seq cs inner join
r_cte_seq rc
on = cs.ResaID and rc.seq = cs.seq;