Possible Solutions:
A String is a list of characters.
Group them by identity which is (x => x), then count them.
Normally groupBy returns a Map which can by transformed to a list of tuples by toList.
Code/ not reinventing the wheel
def times(s: String) = s.groupBy(identity).mapValues(_.size).toList
times: (s: String)List[(Char, Int)]
res1: List[(Char, Int)] = List((e,1), (x,1), (n,2), (t,1), (a,2), (i,1), (l,1), (p,1), (o,1))
Code with tail recursion / reinvents the wheel/ please use not to cheat in the Coursera Scala Course
import scala.annotation.tailrec
def myTimes(s: String) : List[(Char,Int)] = {
@tailrec // comiler cheks if really tailrecursive
def timesTail(chars: List[Char], res: List[(Char,Int)]) : List[(Char,Int)] =
chars match {
case Nil => res // we are done when there are no characters left
case char :: rest => {
// otherwise
val newCharCount =
find (_._1 == char). //check if we already have seen the character
map{ case (c,count) => (c,count + 1) }. // if yes, we raise take the old count and raise it by one
getOrElse( (char,1) ) // otherwise we count one occurrence
// here it gets recursive
rest, // remaining Characters
newCharCount :: res.filterNot(_._1 == char) // add the new count to list, remove old if present
// initial call with empty lsit to start the helper function