You've misread the algorithm. m
is the length of A
algorithm merge(A[i...j], B[k...?], C[p...q]) is
let m = j - i,
n = ? - k
You have it as the length of B
let mut m = second.len();
The complete example:
use scoped_threadpool::Pool; // 0.1.9
fn parallel_merge(a: &[i32], b: &[i32], output: &mut [i32]) {
let (a, b) = if a.len() >= b.len() { (a, b) } else { (b, a) };
if a.is_empty() {
let pivot = a.len() / 2;
let s = match b.binary_search(&a[pivot]) {
Ok(x) => x,
Err(x) => x,
let t = pivot + s;
let (a_left, a_tail) = a.split_at(pivot);
let (a_mid, a_right) = a_tail.split_first().unwrap();
let (b_left, b_right) = b.split_at(s);
let (o_left, o_tail) = output.split_at_mut(t);
let (o_mid, o_right) = o_tail.split_first_mut().unwrap();
*o_mid = *a_mid;
let mut pool = Pool::new(2);
pool.scoped(|scoped| {
scoped.execute(move || parallel_merge(a_left, b_left, o_left));
scoped.execute(move || parallel_merge(a_right, b_right, o_right));
fn exercise() {
let first = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9];
let second = [2, 4, 6, 8, 10];
let mut output = [0; 10];
parallel_merge(&first, &second, &mut output);
assert_eq!(output, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]);