Here's a small and simple example based on the data you posted and a possible solution:
# example data in_times
df1 = data.frame(`2018-08-01` = c("2018-08-01 10:30:00", "2018-08-01 10:25:00"),
`2018-08-02` = c("2018-08-02 10:20:00", "2018-08-02 10:45:00"))
# example data out_times
df2 = data.frame(`2018-08-01` = c("2018-08-01 17:33:00", "2018-08-01 18:06:00"),
`2018-08-02` = c("2018-08-02 17:11:00", "2018-08-02 17:45:00"))
# reshape datasets
df1_resh = df1 %>%
mutate(empl_id = row_number()) %>% # add an employee id (using the row number)
gather(day, in_time, -empl_id) # reshape dataset
df2_resh = df2 %>%
mutate(empl_id = row_number()) %>%
gather(day, out_time, -empl_id)
# join datasets and calculate hours spent
left_join(df1_resh, df2_resh, by=c("empl_id","day")) %>%
mutate(hours_spent = difftime(out_time, in_time))
# empl_id day in_time out_time hours_spent
# 1 1 X2018.08.01 2018-08-01 10:30:00 2018-08-01 17:33:00 7.050000 hours
# 2 2 X2018.08.01 2018-08-01 10:25:00 2018-08-01 18:06:00 7.683333 hours
# 3 1 X2018.08.02 2018-08-02 10:20:00 2018-08-02 17:11:00 6.850000 hours
# 4 2 X2018.08.02 2018-08-02 10:45:00 2018-08-02 17:45:00 7.000000 hours
You can use this as the final piece of code if you want to reshape back to your initial format:
left_join(df1_resh, df2_resh, by=c("empl_id","day")) %>%
mutate(hours_spent = difftime(out_time, in_time)) %>%
select(empl_id, day, hours_spent) %>%
spread(day, hours_spent)
# empl_id X2018.08.01 X2018.08.02
# 1 1 7.050000 hours 6.85 hours
# 2 2 7.683333 hours 7.00 hours