Hello guys, can anyone please help me to solve this complicated issue? :
I'm creating an application using Spring boot v2.0.5 and React.js v15.6.2, ReactDom v15.6.2, React Bootstrap v0.32.4, and the linking between my frontend and serverside parts is made of restful web services using Spring annotations on the back and fetch API on the front. My React components are made by following the Parent-Children design pattern concept, that means: some of my components can be children of some others and vice versa.
How it works?
I have a table with columns and rows, each row inside the table has a unique id, 2 drop-downs, 1 text input, 2 datepickers and 1 file upload input which is causing the main issue; The user can add more rows that has same components as the previous ones, by clicking on the "+ Document" button; Each row has a unique incremental Id of type number (integer); the drop-downs and the inputs events are handled by one method inside the parent component based on their tag names;
I'm storing all data entered by the user inside a list ([]) of objects({}).
Example: if the user fill only the first row; the object stored inside the list state will be like this:
[{id:0,type:"forms",lang:"all",libelle:"some strings",dateBegin:"11-12-2018",dateEnd:"12-12-2018",document:{File(154845)}]
if the user adds one other row and then filled it like the first one, the list will be like this:
[{id:0,type:"forms",lang:"all",libelle:"some strings",dateBegin:"11-12-2018",dateEnd:"12-12-2018",document:{File(154845)},{id:1,type:"howTo",lang:"en",libelle:"some strings",dateBegin:"11-12-2018",dateEnd:"01-01-2019",document:{File(742015)}]
Check this image to see how the table look like: Table Demo
The table as code in Presentational component Class (child of the main component)
class Presentational extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
docObjList: [],
element: (
<FormDocRowItem // this contains the table tbody tds elements..
this.handleAddDocumentRow = this.handleAddDocumentRow.bind(this);
// handleAddDocumentRow method
handleAddDocumentRow(e) {
const value =;
const name =;
if (name === 'add') {
let arr = this.state.docObjList; // get the list state
// assign the new row component
arr = [...arr, Object.assign({}, this.state.element)];
// set the new list state
this.setState({docObjList: arr});
// if name === 'delete' logic..
// render method
render() {
const {handleReset} = this.props;
<Form encType="multipart/form-data">
<Table striped bordered condensed hover>
<th>Date begin</th>
<th>Date end</th>
<th>+ Document</th>
{this.state.element} // this row is required as initialization
{, index) => {
// as index in map() starts from 0 and there is an
// already row component above => The index inside the
// table should start from 1 except The key property
// which should know the right index of the function
const id = index+1;
return (
<tr key={index}>
<DocumentTypes id={id} handleChange={this.props.handleChanges}/>
<DocumentLanguage id={id} handleChange={this.props.handleChanges}/>
<DocumentLibelle id={id} handleChange={this.props.handleChanges}/>
<FormControl id={''+id} name="dateBegin" componentClass="input" type="date"
<FormControl id={''+id} name="dateEnd" componentClass="input" type="date"
<Document id={id} handleChange={this.props.handleChanges}/>
this.state.docObjList.length == index + 1 &&
<button type="button" style={{verticalAlign: 'middle', textAlign: 'center'}} id={index + 1}
<button type="button" name="add" onClick={this.handleAddDocumentRow}>+ Document</button>
<Button type="reset"
style={{marginRight: '20%'}}
<Button name="back" onClick={this.props.handleClickSubmit}>Annuler</Button>
The row component class (Child component of Presentational)
const FormDocRowItem = (props) => {
const {id} = props; // the ID here is refering the column that is going to be
// show inside the table not the index of the map function
return (
<DocumentTypes id={id} handleChange={this.props.handleChanges}/>
<DocumentLanguage id={id} handleChange={this.props.handleChanges}/>
<DocumentLibelle id={id} handleChange={this.props.handleChanges}/>
<FormControl id={''+id} name="dateBegin" componentClass="input" type="date" onChange={this.props.handleChanges}/>
<FormControl id={''+id} name="dateEnd" componentClass="input" type="date" onChange={this.props.handleChanges}/>
<Document id={id} handleChange={this.props.handleChanges}/>
Parent Component Class (The main component)
constructor(props) {
this.state ={
docDataList: [],
formIsReadyToSubmit: false
this.handleSubmit = this.handleSubmit.bind(this); // button submit click
this.handleReset = this.handleReset.bind(this); // button reset click
this.fillWithData = this.fillWithData.bind(this); // handle changes
// handleReset method..
fillWithData(e) {
const name =; // get the name of the target
const id = parseInt(; // get the id of the target
let value =; // get the value of the target
let arr = this.state.docDataList; // get the list state
// if the target is a file upload
if (name === 'selectDocument')
value =[0];
// create properties with null values starting from the first onchange
// event handling, to not get a misplaced properties inside the
// objects of the list state => {
x.type = x.type ? x.type : null;
x.lang = x.lang ? x.lang : null;
x.libelle = x.libelle ? x.libelle : null;
x.dateBegin = x.dateBegin ? x.dateBegin : null;
x.dateEnd = x.dateEnd ? x.dateEnd : null;
x.document = x.document ? x.document : null;
// if the event target name is not delete
if (name != 'delete') {
// check if the object id already exist in the table
// if it exists, the new value should replace the previous one
// and not allowed to add a new object to the list state
if ((arr.find((x) => == id))) {
// loop through the list state to find the id of the object => {
if ( == id) {
// helper variable to prevent empty strings
const val = value != '' ? value : null;
switch (name) {
case 'selectType':
x.type = val;
case 'selectLang':
x.lang = val;
case 'libelle':
x.libelle = val;
case 'dateBegin':
x.dateBegin = val;
case 'dateEnd':
x.dateEnd = val;
case 'selectDocument':
x.document = val;
// assign the new list to my docDataList state
// mentioning that the id of the element already exist
this.setState({docDataList: arr}, () => {
console.log(' ID exist; new dataList :', this.state.docDataList);
// if the id doesn't exist (means that the button +document is clicked)
else {
// again, a helper variable as the previous statement
const val = value != '' ? value : null;
docDataList: [...arr, Object.assign({
id: id,
type: name === 'selectType' ? val : null,
lang: name === 'selectLang' ? val : null,
libelle: name === 'libelle' ? val : null,
dateBegin: name === 'dataBegin' ? val : null,
dateEnd: name === 'dateEnd' ? val : null//,
//document: name==='selectDocument'? val:null
}, () => {
console.log('ID doesnt exist; new dataList :', this.state.docDataList);