Removing linked images in the worksheet that is exported fixed my issue.
I am not sure i fully understood the solution i found, but in rough terms:
Apparently the export feature leaves behind a bit or byte in the kernel of the linked image and this accumulates on each pass of the macro, eventually breaking things down.
Unfortunately i only found 1 other similar problem back when i was googling like a mad man, so i cannot link to where i found this information.
I would like to thank all commenters for their time and help back then, i got it all working and it now produces 900-1000 individual PDFs and attached them an email and sends it off.
So in conclusion:
If you are exporting a worksheet to pdf with VBA macro, that includes linked images they can cause instability and eventually crash your macro.
Try to not link images.
If you need images:
I used linked images because i needed them to be dynamic and change according to requirements. I found another way to do this, that inserts appropiate image instead (with a delete function first in case a previous inserted image exists). I did not write that code myself if i remember correctly, but it involves:
Having my images in a folder.
Naming each image to match a value in excel.
Creating a variable in vba that is: imgfile = path & value &
Then i SET IMG = I then insert
this as an img object.
With img
.ShapeRange.LockAspectRatio = msoFalse
.Left = ws.Range("g15").Left
.Top = ws.Range("g15").Top
.Width = R.Width
.Height = R.Height
.Placement = 1
.PrintObject = True
nameofpicture = .Name
End With
before i use this i call a deletepicture sub, be mindful of only deleting the image(s) you need to change.
Sub deletepictures()
Dim pic As Shape
Dim radd As String
radd = Range("g14").Address
For Each pic In Worksheets("Rapport").Shapes
If Left(pic.Name, 3) = "Pic" Then pic.Delete
Next pic
End Sub
I hope someone else will find this useful, it's a tricky thing to google took me about two full weeks worktime to find useful information about.