I have created Azure website ,and upload all OPIGNO files to that website via FTP,so when i am trying to access the index.php for OPIGNO project ,it returns server error 500????
Usually, when there are anything went wrong, the server will return error 500. And usually a framework application occur 500 error after deploying on Azure Web Apps, maybe there are something configuration errors.
Also, you may need to turn the display_errors setting on to display errors for troubleshooting. You can follow the below steps to change the configuration:
1, Add a .user.ini file to your root directory.
2,add display_errors=On in this file
3, display_errors=On
4, Restart the web app.
You can refer to https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/web-sites-php-configure/#how-to-change-the-built-in-php-configurations for more information.
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