You can get a lot of correct results, if you modify your query like this...
PREFIX dcterms: <>
PREFIX dbpedia-owl: <>
PREFIX dbp: <>
SELECT ?book ?author ?movie ?director ?publisher ?illustrator
?book a dbpedia-owl:Book .
OPTIONAL {?book dbp:author ?author .}
OPTIONAL {?book dbp:publisher ?publisher .}
OPTIONAL {?book dbp:illustrator ?illustrator .}
OPTIONAL {?book ^dbpedia-owl:basedOn ?movie . ?movie a dbpedia-owl:Film }
OPTIONAL {?movie dbp:director ?director .}
...but keep in mind that there are many movies that are not classified as dbpedia-owl:Film
. Then of course you make a union
with a few other popular classifications but that would still not guarantee there there won't be a movie based on a book, which will not be omitted.
And by the way what do you call "English novels" -- those written originally in English or those by English authors?