I am trying to the bootstrap the proportional occurrence of diet items for 7 individuals and calculate a sd()
Lets say there are 9 prey items on the menu.
Diet <- c("Beaver","Bird", "Bobcat","Coyote", "Deer", "Elk",
"Porcupine", "Raccoon", "SmMamm")
And that these prey items are eaten by 7 different individuals of the same species
Inds <- c("P01", "P02", "P03", "P04", "P05", "P06", "P07")
My goal is the bootstrap the proportional occurrence of each diet item for each individual.
The loop below generates five diets for each individual (each diet containing N = 20 feedings) that were sampled with replacement. The data are stored as a list of the individuals, each of which contains a list of the sample diets.
BootIndDiet <- list()
IndTotboot <- list()
for(i in Inds){
for(j in 1:5){
BootIndDiet[[j]] <- prop.table(table(sample(Diet, 20 ,replace = T)))
IndTotboot[[i]] <- BootIndDiet
Below I have included the first two diets of individual P07 as an example of the loop results
Beaver Bird Bobcat Deer Elk
0.05 0.15 0.20 0.10 0.15
Porcupine Raccoon SmMamm
0.15 0.15 0.05
Beaver Bird Bobcat Coyote Deer
0.15 0.10 0.20 0.05 0.05
Elk Porcupine Raccoon SmMamm
0.05 0.20 0.10 0.10
I then want to calculate the sd() of the proportional of each species for each individual. Equivocally, for each individual (P01 - P07) I want the sd()
of the proportional occurrence of each prey species across the 5 diets.
While my loop above runs, I suspect there is a better way (possibly using the boot() function) that avoids lists...
While I have only included 5 samples (bootstraps) for each individual here, I hope to generate 10000.
Suggestions on a different strategy or how to apply sd()
across sub-lists is greatly appreciated.
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