After having searched for a better answer for a while, I finally found a better way to do this. You can actually do the same thing in a more generic way using the Java NIO API (Since Java 7).
// this is the URI of the Zip file itself
URI zipUri = ...;
FileSystem zipFs = FileSystems.newFileSystem(zipUri, Collections.emptyMap());
// The path within the zip file you want to start from
Path root = zipFs.getPath("/");
Files.walkFileTree(root, new SimpleFileVisitor<Path>() {
public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path path, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException {
// You can do anything you want with the path here
// the BasicFileAttributes object has lots of useful meta data
// like file size, last modified date, etc...
return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;
// The FileVisitor interface has more methods that
// are useful for handling directories.
This approach has the advantage that you can travers ANY file system this way: your normal windows or Unix filesystem, the file system contain contained within a zip or a jar, or any other really.
You can then trivially read the contents of any Path
via the Files
class, using methods like Files.copy()
, File.readAllLines()
, File.readAllBytes()
, etc...