Check this
You are not simply importing libraries properly and registering the cytoscape.js extensions.
You should register popper extension with cytoscape.use(popper);
You can use tippy.js with a function like
function makePopperWithTippy(node) {
let ref = node.popperRef(); // used only for positioning
// A dummy element must be passed as tippy only accepts dom element(s) as the target
let dummyDomEle = document.createElement("div");
let tip = tippy(dummyDomEle, {
// tippy props:
getReferenceClientRect: ref.getBoundingClientRect, //
trigger: "manual", // mandatory, we cause the tippy to show programmatically.
// your own custom props
// content prop can be used when the target is a single element
content: () => {
let content = document.createElement("div");
content.innerHTML = "Tippy content";
return content;
Also, note that you don't have to use tipp.js. Just popper.js is enough actually.
function makePopper(ele) {
// create a basic popper on the first node
let popper1 = ele.popper({
content: () => {
let div = document.createElement("div");
div.innerHTML = "Popper content";
return div;
popper: {} // my popper options here
You can apply these functions below and see the tooltips. The event-based showing on and off is simple after this.
cy.elements().forEach(function(ele) {
// makePopper(ele);