whenever i do !fortnite pc Ninja it works just fine but if i did !fortnite pc geo.java it would give me that error. i have tried quite a bit of ways to fix this and none of them have worked. I even tried other names and they worked. I think it is the "." in the name but i dont know how i would fix this.. any help would be nice thanks.
here is the code:
public async Task fortnite(string type, [Remainder]string name)
using (var client = new FortniteClient("aec756fb-d0ac-4808-a1e1-9be7c421ebcc"))
if (type == "pc" || type == "Pc")
var response = await client.FindPlayerAsync(Platform.Pc, Convert.ToString(name));
var solokills = response.Stats[Playlist.Solo][Stat.Kills].ValueInt;
var soloscore = response.Stats[Playlist.Solo][Stat.Score].ValueInt;
var solospm = response.Stats[Playlist.Solo][Stat.ScorePerMatch].ValueDec;
var solokd = response.Stats[Playlist.Solo][Stat.KillDeathRatio].ValueDec;
var solomatches = response.Stats[Playlist.Solo][Stat.Matches].ValueInt;
var solowr = response.Stats[Playlist.Solo][Stat.WinRatio].ValueDec;
var solokpm = response.Stats[Playlist.Solo][Stat.KillsPerMatch].ValueDec;
var solotrnrating = response.Stats[Playlist.Solo][Stat.TrnRating].Value;
var pcsolo = Helpers.CreateEmbed(Context, "**Solo**
Score: " + soloscore + "
Score Per Match: " + solospm + "
K/D: " + solokd + "
W/R: " + solowr + "
Matches: " + solomatches + "
Kills: " + solokills + "
Kills Per Match: " + solokpm + "
TRN Rating: " + solotrnrating);
await Helpers.SendMessage(Context, pcsolo);
// await ReplyAsync("", false, pcsolo);
var duokills = response.Stats[Playlist.Duo][Stat.Kills].ValueInt;
var duoscore = response.Stats[Playlist.Duo][Stat.Score].ValueInt;
var duospm = response.Stats[Playlist.Duo][Stat.ScorePerMatch].ValueDec;
var duokd = response.Stats[Playlist.Duo][Stat.KillDeathRatio].ValueDec;
var duomatches = response.Stats[Playlist.Duo][Stat.Matches].ValueInt;
var duowr = response.Stats[Playlist.Duo][Stat.WinRatio].ValueDec;
var duokpm = response.Stats[Playlist.Duo][Stat.KillsPerMatch].ValueDec;
var duotrnrating = response.Stats[Playlist.Duo][Stat.TrnRating].Value;
var pcduo = Helpers.CreateEmbed(Context, "**Duo**
Score: " + duoscore + "
Score Per Match: " + duospm + "
K/D: " + duokd + "
W/R: " + duowr + "
Matches: " + duomatches + "
Kills: " + duokills + "
Kills Per Match: " + duokpm + "
TRN Rating: " + duotrnrating);
await Helpers.SendMessage(Context, pcduo);
var Squadkills = response.Stats[Playlist.Squad][Stat.Kills].ValueInt;
var Squadscore = response.Stats[Playlist.Squad][Stat.Score].ValueInt;
var Squadspm = response.Stats[Playlist.Squad][Stat.ScorePerMatch].ValueDec;
var Squadkd = response.Stats[Playlist.Squad][Stat.KillDeathRatio].ValueDec;
var Squadmatches = response.Stats[Playlist.Squad][Stat.Matches].ValueInt;
var Squadwr = response.Stats[Playlist.Squad][Stat.WinRatio].ValueDec;
var Squadkpm = response.Stats[Playlist.Squad][Stat.KillsPerMatch].ValueDec;
var Squadtrnrating = response.Stats[Playlist.Squad][Stat.TrnRating].Value;
var pcSquad = Helpers.CreateEmbed(Context, "**Squad**
Score: " + Squadscore + "
Score Per Match: " + Squadspm + "
K/D: " + Squadkd + "
W/R: " + Squadwr + "
Matches: " + Squadmatches + "
Kills: " + Squadkills + "
Kills Per Match: " + Squadkpm + "
TRN Rating: " + Squadtrnrating);
await Helpers.SendMessage(Context, pcSquad);
// await ReplyAsync("", false, pcSquad);
else if (type == "psn" || type == "Psn")
var response = await client.FindPlayerAsync(Platform.Psn, name);
var solokills = response.Stats[Playlist.Solo][Stat.Kills].ValueInt;
var soloscore = response.Stats[Playlist.Solo][Stat.Score].ValueInt;
var solospm = response.Stats[Playlist.Solo][Stat.ScorePerMatch].ValueDec;
var solokd = response.Stats[Playlist.Solo][Stat.KillDeathRatio].ValueDec;
var solomatches = response.Stats[Playlist.Solo][Stat.Matches].ValueInt;
var solowr = response.Stats[Playlist.Solo][Stat.WinRatio].ValueDec;
var solokpm = response.Stats[Playlist.Solo][Stat.KillsPerMatch].ValueDec;
var solotrnrating = response.Stats[Playlist.Solo][Stat.TrnRating].Value;
var psnsolo = Helpers.CreateEmbed(Context, "**Solo**
Score: " + soloscore + "
Score Per Match: " + solospm + "
K/D: " + solokd + "
W/R: " + solowr + "
Matches: " + solomatches + "
Kills: " + solokills + "
Kills Per Match: " + solokpm + "
TRN Rating: " + solotrnrating);
await Helpers.SendMessage(Context, psnsolo);
var duokills = response.Stats[Playlist.Duo][Stat.Kills].ValueInt;
var duoscore = response.Stats[Playlist.Duo][Stat.Score].ValueInt;
var duospm = response.Stats[Playlist.Duo][Stat.ScorePerMatch].ValueDec;
var duokd = response.Stats[Playlist.Duo][Stat.KillDeathRatio].ValueDec;
var duomatches = response.Stats[Playlist.Duo][Stat.Matches].ValueInt;
var duowr = response.Stats[Playlist.Duo][Stat.WinRatio].ValueDec;
var duokpm = response.Stats[Playlist.Duo][Stat.KillsPerMatch].ValueDec;
var duotrnrating = response.Stats[Playlist.Duo][Stat.TrnRating].Value;
var psnduo = Helpers.CreateEmbed(Context, "**Duo**
Score: " + duoscore + "
Score Per Match: " + duospm + "
K/D: " + duokd + "
W/R: " + duowr + "
Matches: " + duomatches + "
Kills: " + duokills + "
Kills Per Match: " + duokpm + "
TRN Rating: " + duotrnrating);
await Helpers.SendMessage(Context, psnduo);
var Squadkills = response.Stats[Playlist.Squad][Stat.Kills].ValueInt;
var Squadscore = response.Stats[Playlist.Squad][Stat.Score].ValueInt;
var Squadspm = response.Stats[Playlist.Squad][Stat.ScorePerMatch].ValueDec;
var Squadkd = response.Stats[Playlist.Squad][Stat.KillDeathRatio].ValueDec;
var Squadmatches = response.Stats[Playlist.Squad][Stat.Matches].ValueInt;
var Squadwr = response.Stats[Playlist.Squad][Stat.WinRatio].ValueDec;
var Squadkpm = response.Stats[Playlist.Squad][Stat.KillsPerMatch].ValueDec;
var Squadtrnrating = response.Stats[Playlist.Squad][Stat.TrnRating].Value;
var psnSquad = Helpers.CreateEmbed(Context, "**Squad**
Score: " + Squadscore + "
Score Per Match: " + Squadspm + "
K/D: " + Squadkd + "
W/R: " + Squadwr + "
Matches: " + Squadmatches + "
Kills: " + Squadkills + "
Kills Per Match: " + Squadkpm + "
TRN Rating: " + Squadtrnrating);
await Helpers.SendMessage(Context, psnSquad);
else if (type == "xbl" || type == "Xbl")
var response = await client.FindPlayerAsync(Platform.Xbl, name);
var solokills = response.Stats[Playlist.Solo][Stat.Kills].ValueInt;
var soloscore = response.Stats[Playlist.Solo][Stat.Score].ValueInt;
var solospm = response.Stats[Playlist.Solo][Stat.ScorePerMatch].ValueDec;
var solokd = response.Stats[Playlist.Solo][Stat.KillDeathRatio].ValueDec;
var solomatches = response.Stats[Playlist.Solo][Stat.Matches].ValueInt;
var solowr = response.Stats[Playlist.Solo][Stat.WinRatio].ValueDec;
var solokpm = response.Stats[Playlist.Solo][Stat.KillsPerMatch].ValueDec;
var solotrnrating = response.Stats[Playlist.Solo][Stat.TrnRating].Value;
var xblsolo = Helpers.CreateEmbed(Context, "**Solo**
Score: " + soloscore + "
Score Per Match: " + solospm + "
K/D: " + solokd + "
W/R: " + solowr + "
Matches: " + solomatches + "
Kills: " + solokills + "
Kills Per Match: " + solokpm + "
TRN Rating: " + solotrnrating);
await Helpers.SendMessage(Context, xblsolo);
var duokills = response.Stats[Playlist.Duo][Stat.Kills].ValueInt;
var duoscore = response.Stats[Playlist.Duo][Stat.Score].ValueInt;
var duospm = response.Stats[Playlist.Duo][Stat.ScorePerMatch].ValueDec;
var duokd = response.Stats[Playlist.Duo][Stat.KillDeathRatio].ValueDec;
var duomatches = response.Stats[Playlist.Duo][Stat.Matches].ValueInt;
var duowr = response.Stats[Playlist.Duo][Stat.WinRatio].ValueDec;
var duokpm = response.Stats[Playlist.Duo][Stat.KillsPerMatch].ValueDec;
var duotrnrating = response.Stats[Playlist.Duo][Stat.TrnRating].Value;
var xblduo = Helpers.CreateEmbed(Context, "**Duo**
Score: " + duoscore + "
Score Per Match: " + duospm + "
K/D: " + duokd + "
W/R: " + duowr + "
Matches: " + duomatches + "
Kills: " + duokills + "
Kills Per Match: " + duokpm + "
TRN Rating: " + duotrnrating);
await Helpers.SendMessage(Context, xblduo);
var Squadkills = response.Stats[Playlist.Squad][Stat.Kills].ValueInt;
var Squadscore = response.Stats[Playlist.Squad][Stat.Score].ValueInt;
var Squadspm = response.Stats[Playlist.Squad][Stat.ScorePerMatch].ValueDec;
var Squadkd = response.Stats[Playlist.Squad][Stat.KillDeathRatio].ValueDec;
var Squadmatches = response.Stats[Playlist.Squad][Stat.Matches].ValueInt;
var Squadwr = response.Stats[Playlist.Squad][Stat.WinRatio].ValueDec;
var Squadkpm = response.Stats[Playlist.Squad][Stat.KillsPerMatch].ValueDec;
var Squadtrnrating = response.Stats[Playlist.Squad][Stat.TrnRating].Value;
var xblSquad = Helpers.CreateEmbed(Context, "**Squad**
Score: " + Squadscore + "
Score Per Match: " + Squadspm + "
K/D: " + Squadkd + "
W/R: "