I finally found the solution to my problems, and am posting this for anyone who would need some clarification:
First, as David pointed out, simply treating the referenced argument as a pointer and assigning it the array's address does not work. You have to copy the entire array contents into the referenced array. Easily fixed.
The second mistake was in the C# method signature; the descripton that was needed here was "[Out]", with the brackets, compared to simply "out" (Once again, thanks David).
So, the end result:
The structs do not change, but the function signature in C# does:
[DllImport(@"Elemission.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
public static extern void getResults([Out] intensityType[] graphData);
and here is a snippet of the function call:
int arraySize;
DllMethods.executeAcquisition(out arraySize); // arraySize is the Struct array length
intensityType[] resultData = new intensityType[arraySize];
Meanwhile in C++, the C# call is received by the wrapper and passed to the member function...
__declspec(dllexport) void getResults(intensitytype* graphData)
...and lo and behold, the struct array is filled.
void CameraControl::getResults(intensitytype* graphData)
for (int i = 0; i < _spectroDataLength; i++)
graphData[i] = _spectroData[i];