Dynamic SQL should be generated through format()
and parameters should not be passed as string literals, but through placeholders and using
Your code is really hard to read, incomplete and there are some substantial syntax errors which stem from e.g. a missing END
for the CASE and parentheses not properly paired. So the following code might still contain some errors as I apparently have no way of testing it.
But as your main SELECT does not seem to use dynamic SQL at all, all the quote_literal()
and string concatenation is unnecessary, just use the variables directly.
As max_date is supposed to be a date
value you can assign the string 'XXXXX'
to it, but if you use the max_date directly, you can get rid of that check as far as I can tell.
time_ time;
max_date date;
result_table text := 'contract_frequency';
table_schema text := 'public';
time_ := localtime;
execute format('SELECT MAX(date_) FROM %I.%I', table_schema, result_table) into INTO max_date;
IF max_date is not NULL THEN
execute format('DELETE FROM %I.%I WHERE date_ >= $1', table_schema, result_table) using max_date;
-- you replace XXXX with current_date in the CASE expression
-- later on, so using current_date here seems the right thing to do
max_date := current_date;
end if;
from (
Id, gs.date_,
When TRIM(set) ~ '^OPT[0-9]{3}/MINUTE/$' Then 'minute'
When TRIM(set) ~ '^OPT[0-9]{3}/SECOND/$' Then 'second' as TIME,
sum(extract(epoch from (least(s.end, gs.date_+time_) - greatest(s.beg, gs.date_) ) ) / 60) as Timing
from source s
cross join lateral
generate_series(date_trunc('day', s.beg), date_trunc('day', least(s.end, max_date)), interval '1 day') gs(date_)
where (beg, end) overlaps (max_date::timestamp, max_date + time '23:59:59')
group by id, gs.date_, TIME
) as X
where (max_date = X.date_ and max_date <> current_date)
OR (max_date = current_date)