You can either use a lambda
repeat(lambda: bar(42))
Or functools.partial
from functools import partial
repeat(partial(bar, 42))
Or pass the arguments separately:
def repeat(times, f, *args):
for _ in range(times):
This final style is quite common in the standard library and major Python tools. *args
denotes a variable number of arguments, so you can use this function as
repeat(4, foo, "test")
def inquisition(weapon1, weapon2, weapon3):
print("Our weapons are {}, {} and {}".format(weapon1, weapon2, weapon3))
repeat(10, inquisition, "surprise", "fear", "ruthless efficiency")
Note that I put the number of repetitions up front for convenience. It can't be the last argument if you want to use the *args
(For completeness, you could add keyword arguments as well with **kwargs