You can collect unique state values and simply map over resulting array:
val states ="State").distinct.collect.flatMap(_.toSeq)
val byStateArray = => df.where($"State" <=> state))
or to map:
val byStateMap = states
.map(state => (state -> df.where($"State" <=> state)))
The same thing in Python:
from itertools import chain
from pyspark.sql.functions import col
states = chain(*"state").distinct().collect())
# PySpark 2.3 and later
# In 2.2 and before col("state") == state)
# should give the same outcome, ignoring NULLs
# if NULLs are important
# (lit(state).isNull() & col("state").isNull()) | (col("state") == state)
df_by_state = {state:
df.where(col("state").eqNullSafe(state)) for state in states}
The obvious problem here is that it requires a full data scan for each level, so it is an expensive operation. If you're looking for a way to just split the output see also How do I split an RDD into two or more RDDs?
In particular you can write Dataset
partitioned by the column of interest:
val path: String = ???
and read back if needed:
// Depend on partition prunning
for { state <- states } yield$"State" === state)
// or explicitly read the partition
for { state <- states } yield"$path/State=$state")
Depending on the size of the data, number of levels of the splitting, storag and persistence level of the input it might faster or slower than multiple filters.