instead of writing it to my C drive I'm going to run it on the server, but where should I store the image to later retriev and display in an xhtml file?
That depends on how much control you have over configuring the server. Ideal would be to configure a fixed path outside the Tomcat webapps folder. For example, /var/webapp/upload
. You can set this path as a VM argument or environment variable so that your webapp can retrieve it programmatically without the need to change the code.
For example, when specifying as VM argument -Dupload.location=/var/webapp/upload
, you can complete the upload as follows:
Path folder = Paths.get(System.getProperty("upload.location"));
String filename = FilenameUtils.getBaseName(uploadedFile.getName());
String extension = FilenameUtils.getExtension(uploadedFile.getName());
Path file = Files.createTempFile(folder, filename + "-", "." + extension);
try (InputStream input = uploadedFile.getInputStream()) {
Files.copy(input, file, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING);
String uploadedFileName = file.getFileName().toString();
// Now store it in DB.
As to serving the file back, most ideal would be to add the upload location as a separate <Context>
to Tomcat. E.g.
<Context docBase="/var/webapp/upload" path="/uploads" />
This way you can access it directly by
If you have zero control over configuring the server, then, well, storing in the DB or sending to a 3rd party host such as Amazon S3 is your best bet.
See also: