Starting from SQL Server 2016 you can use for json
declare @t table(id int, name nvarchar(max), active bit)
insert @t values (1, 'Bob Jones', 1), (2, 'John Smith', 0)
select id, name, active
from @t
for json auto
With older versions of SQL Server you can use for xml path
, e.g.:
select '[' + STUFF((
',{"id":' + cast(id as varchar(max))
+ ',"name":"' + name + '"'
+ ',"active":' + cast(active as varchar(max))
from @t t1
for xml path(''), type
).value('.', 'varchar(max)'), 1, 1, '') + ']'
[{"id":1,"name":"Bob Jones","active":1},{"id":2,"name":"John Smith","active":0}]