Crazy as it sounds, this is probably the best solution. Everything else is more complicated, but not much more secure. Any fancy obfuscation techniques you use are just going to be reverse engineered almost as quickly as they'll find this key. But this static key solution, while wildly insecure, is nearly as secure than the other solutions while imposing nearly no extra complexity. I love it.
It will be broken almost immediately, but so will all the other solutions. So keep it simple.
The one thing that you really want to do here is use HTTPS and pin your certificates. And I'd pick a long, random key that isn't a word. Ideally, it should be a completely random string of bytes, stored as raw values (not characters) so that it doesn't stand out so obviously in your binary. If you want to get crazy, apply a SHA256 to it before sending it (so the actual key never shows up in your binary). Again, this is trivial to break, but it's easy, and won't waste a lot of time developing.
It is unlikely that any effort longer than an hour will be worth the trouble to implement this feature. If you want lots more on the topic, see Secure https encryption for iPhone app to webpage and its links.