TL;DR: If the resulting object reference [first operand] is not null
, it is returned. Otherwise the value of the second operand (which may be null
) is returned. Additionally, the operator can throw an exception if null is returned.
The Elvis operator is part of many programming languages, e.g. Kotlin but also Groovy or C#.
I find the Wikipedia definition pretty accurate:
In certain computer programming languages, the Elvis operator ?:
is a binary operator that returns its first operand if that operand is true
, and otherwise evaluates and returns its second operand. It is a variant of the ternary conditional operator, ? :
, found in those languages (and many others): the Elvis operator is the ternary operator with its second operand omitted.
The following is especially true for Kotlin:
Some computer programming languages have different semantics for this operator. Instead of the first operand having to result in a boolean, it must result in an object reference. If the resulting object reference is not null
, it is returned. Otherwise the value of the second operand (which may be null
) is returned. If the second operand is null, the operator is also able to throw an exception.
An example:
x ?: y // yields `x` if `x` is not null, `y` otherwise.
x ?: throw SomeException() // yields `x` if `x` is not null, throws SomeException otherwise