Here is what I would do:
Create a migration to change the table name (database level). I assume your old table is called corps. The migration content will be:
class RenameCorpsToStores < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
rename_table :corps, :stores
Change your model file name, your model class definition and the model associations:
- File rename:
-> store.rb
- Code of
: Change class Corp
for class Store
- Rename all the model associations like
has_many :corps
-> has_many :stores
Change your controller file name and your controller class definition:
- File rename:
-> stores_controller.rb
- Code of
: Change class CorpsController
for class StoresController
Rename views folders. From corps
to stores
Make the necessary changes in paths in the config/routes.rb
file, like resources :corps
-> resources :stores
, and make sure all the references in the code change from corps to stores (corps_path, ...)
Remember to run the migration :)
If previous is not possible, try to delete the db/schema.rb and execute:
$ rake db:drop db:create db:migrate