I have two input variables: an epoch time in UTC time zone and the name of the actual time zone. How do I get a formatted day/time using moment.js that would take in account the DST changes. I tried this code but it doesn't do the trick. What am I doing wrong, please?
var abs_time = 1611188219.277; // this is UTC coresponding to 1/21/2021 18:31:37 UTC
var timezone = "America/New_York"; // this the actual time zone
var mom = moment(abs_time * 1000).format();
var date_time = moment.tz(mom, timezone).format('ddd, MMM DD YYYY - HH:mm');
//actual result: Thu, Jan 21 2021 - 18:31
//desired result: Thu, Jan 21 2021 - 13:31 - in the summer this should only be 4 hour difference