Try this:
run python
>>> import tensorflow as tf
>>> gf = tf.GraphDef()
>>> gf.ParseFromString(open('/your/path/to/graphname.pb','rb').read())
and then
>>> [ + '=>' + n.op for n in gf.node if n.op in ( 'Softmax','Placeholder')]
Then, you can get result similar to this:
['Mul=>Placeholder', 'final_result=>Softmax']
But I'm not sure it's the problem of node names regarding the error messages.
I guess you provided wrong arguements when loading the graph file or your generated graph file is something wrong?
Check this part:
E/AndroidRuntime(16821): java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Incompatible
shapes: [1,224,224,3] vs. [32,1,1,2048]
if you're using (re)trained graph , then try this:
[ + '=>' + n.op for n in gf.node if n.op in ( 'Softmax','Mul')]
It seems that (re)trained graph saves input/output op name as "Mul" and "Softmax", while optimized and/or quantized graph saves them as "Placeholder" and "Softmax".
BTW, using retrained graph in mobile environment is not recommended according to Peter Warden's post: . It's better to use quantized or memmapped graph due to performance and file size issue, I couldn't find out how to load memmapped graph in android though...:(
(no problem loading optimized / quantized graph in android)