I am having trouble figuring out how to implement a button that will link to a product page from my category page. Right now, I have a way for our customers to add products from the category page with quantity and add to cart buttons. Shown Below
As you can see on the left, I need a button that will go directly to the product page with additional prices that says "View Details".
Here is the code that I currently have:
<td ng-class="{ noToggle: !product.canAddToCart }" class="tv-last-column">
<div class="actions-block">
<div ng-if="product.canAddToCart" class="product-info">
<div class="um-pack">
<div class="um">
<label ng-if="vm.settings.alternateUnitsOfMeasure && product.productUnitOfMeasures.length > 1">[% translate 'U/M' %]:</label>
<isc-unit-of-measure-select-list product="product" alternate-units-of-measure="{{vm.settings.alternateUnitsOfMeasure}}" change-unit-of-measure="vm.changeUnitOfMeasure(product)" display-pack="true"></isc-unit-of-measure-select-list>
<div ng-if="product.canAddToCart" class="add-to-cart-block">
<div ng-if="product.canEnterQuantity" class="item-qty">
<input type="text" name="qty" ng-model="product.qtyOrdered" class="qty numerictextbox" />
<div class="action">
<button id="tst_productList_{{product.id}}_addToCart" ng-click="vm.addToCart(product)" href="javascript:void(0);" class="btn-add-cart btn primary" ng-disabled="!product.qtyOrdered || product.qtyOrdered == 0 || vm.addingToCart">[% translate 'Add To Cart' %]</button>
<a id="tst_productList_{{product.id}}_addToWishList" ng-show="product.canAddToWishlist" ng-click="vm.openWishListPopup(product)" role="button" class="btn secondary btn-add-list" href="javascript:void(0);">[% translate 'Add to List' %]</a>
Here is what I am trying to achieve: