I am working with the Microsoft Academic API to download some bibliometric data. Microsoft Academic contains just like most bibliometric databases a wide selection of entities, ranging from data on individual publications to profiles of authors and institutions.
Currently I am using this code to download relevant data for paper entities:
import requests
response = requests.get("https://api.labs.cognitive.microsoft.com/academic/v1.0/evaluate?&expr=Composite(AA.AuN==john
Yet, I would like to also download "author profile" and "institution profile" data using the Microsoft Academic API, but I am not sure whether that is possible or how I can accomplish this. With "institution profile data" I mean not just the publication output of the specific institution, but rather data on where the institution is based, the total number of citations etc.
The documentation seems to suggest that it would be possible to download data from the other entities. I have tried quite a lot of things, but to no avail, so I was wondering if someone has already managed to do this.