As for today (2011-04-05, updated 2017-11-29) you will need the lastest versions of:
After that, do a full install in a directory of your preference without spaces in the name. I suggest C:GnuWin32
. Do not install it in the default (C:Program Files (x86)GnuWin32) because bison has problems with spaces in directory names, not to say parenthesis.
Also, consider installing Dev-CPP in the default directory (C:Dev-Cpp
After that, set the PATH variable to include the bin directories of gcc
(in C:Dev-Cppin
) and flexison
(in C:GnuWin32in
). To do that, copy this: ;C:Dev-Cppin;C:GnuWin32in
and append it to the end of the PATH
variable, defined in the place show by this figure:
If the figure is not in good resolution, you can see a step-by-step here.
Open a prompt, cd to the directory where your ".l" and ".y" are, and compile them with:
flex hello.l
bison -dy hello.y
gcc lex.yy.c -o hello.exe
You will be able to run the program. I made the sources for a simple test (the infamous Hello World
#include ""
int yyerror(char *errormsg);
" { return HI; }
" { return BYE; }
. { yyerror("Unknown char"); }
int main(void)
return 0;
int yywrap(void)
return 0;
int yyerror(char *errormsg)
fprintf(stderr, "%s
", errormsg);
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int yylex(void);
int yyerror(const char *s);
%token HI BYE
hi bye
HI { printf("Hello World
"); }
BYE { printf("Bye World
"); exit(0); }
Edited: avoiding "warning: implicit definition of yyerror and yylex".
Disclaimer: remember, this answer is very old (since 2011!) and if you run into problems due to versions and features changing, you might need more research, because I can't update this answer to reflect new itens. Thanks and I hope this will be a good entry point for you as it was for many.
Updates: if something (really small changes) needs to be done, please check out the official repository at github:
Happy hacking.