It's been a long time since I asked this question, and my solution has undergone more and more refinement. I've had to deal with all sorts of special cases, such as values that come directly from the workbook, sections that need to be specially generated based on lists, and the need to do replacements in headers and footers.
As it turns out, it did not suffice to use bookmarks, as it was possible for users to later edit documents to change, add, and remove placeholder values from the documents. The solution was in fact to use keywords such as this:
This is just a page from a sample document which uses some of the possible values that can get automatically inserted into a document. Over 50 documents exist with completely different structures and layouts, and using different parameters. The only common knowledge shared by the word documents and the excel spreadsheet is a knowledge of what these placeholder values are meant to represent. In excel, this is stored in a list of document generation keywords, which contain the keyword, followed by a reference to the range that actually contains this value:
These were the key two ingredients required. Now with some clever code, all I had to do was iterate over each document to be generated, and then iterate over the range of all known keywords, and do a search and replace for each keyword in each document.
First, I have the wrapper method, which takes care of maintaining an instance of microsoft word iterating over all documents selected for generation, numbering the documents, and doing the user interface stuff (like handling errors, displaying the folder to the user, etc.)
' Purpose: Iterates over and generates all documents in the list of forms to generate
' Improves speed by creating a persistant Word application used for all generated documents
Public Sub GeneratePolicy()
Dim oWrd As New Word.Application
Dim srcPath As String
Dim cel As Range
If ERROR_HANDLING Then On Error GoTo errmsg
If Forms.Cells(2, FormsToGenerateCol) = vbNullString Then _
Err.Raise 1, , "There are no forms selected for document generation."
'Get the path of the document repository where the forms will be found.
srcPath = FindConstant("Document Repository")
'Each form generated will be numbered sequentially by calling a static counter function. This resets it.
GetNextEndorsementNumber reset:=True
'Iterate over each form, calling a function to replace the keywords and save a copy to the output folder
For Each cel In Forms.Range(Forms.Cells(2, FormsToGenerateCol), Forms.Cells(1, FormsToGenerateCol).End(xlDown))
RunReplacements cel.value, CreateDocGenPath(cel.Offset(0, 1).value), oWrd
Next cel
On Error Resume Next
'Display the folder containing the generated documents
Call Shell("explorer.exe " & CreateDocGenPath, vbNormalFocus)
oWrd.Quit False
Application.StatusBar = False
If MsgBox("Policy generation complete. The reserving information will now be recorded.", vbOKCancel, _
"Policy Generated. OK to store reserving info?") = vbOK Then Push_Reserving_Requirements
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description, , "Error generating Policy Documents"
End Sub
That routine calls RunReplacements
which takes care of opening the document, prepping the environment for a fast replacement, updating links once done, handling errors, etc:
' Purpose: Opens up a document and replaces all instances of special keywords with their respective values.
' Creates an instance of Word if an existing one is not passed as a parameter.
' Saves a document to the target path once the template has been filled in.
' Replacements are done using two helper functions, one for doing simple keyword replacements,
' and one for the more complex replacements like conditional statements and schedules.
Private Sub RunReplacements(ByVal DocumentPath As String, ByVal SaveAsPath As String, _
Optional ByRef oWrd As Word.Application = Nothing)
Dim oDoc As Word.Document
Dim oWrdGiven As Boolean
If oWrd Is Nothing Then Set oWrd = New Word.Application Else oWrdGiven = True
If ERROR_HANDLING Then On Error GoTo docGenError
oWrd.Visible = False
oWrd.DisplayAlerts = wdAlertsNone
Application.StatusBar = "Opening " & Mid(DocumentPath, InStrRev(DocumentPath, "") + 1)
Set oDoc = oWrd.Documents.Open(Filename:=DocumentPath, Visible:=False)
RunAdvancedReplacements oDoc
RunSimpleReplacements oDoc
UpdateLinks oDoc 'Routine which will update calculated statements in Word (like current date)
Application.StatusBar = "Saving " & Mid(DocumentPath, InStrRev(DocumentPath, "") + 1)
oDoc.SaveAs SaveAsPath
GoTo Finally
MsgBox "Un unknown error occurred while generating document: " & DocumentPath & vbNewLine _
& vbNewLine & Err.Description, vbCritical, "Document Generation"
If Not oDoc Is Nothing Then oDoc.Close False: Set oDoc = Nothing
If Not oWrdGiven Then oWrd.Quit False
End Sub
That routine then invokes RunSimpleReplacements
. and RunAdvancedReplacements
. In the former, we iterate over the set of Document Generation Keywords and call WordDocReplace
if the document contains our keyword. Note that it's much faster to try and Find
a bunch of words to figure out that they don't exist, then to call replace indiscriminately, so we always check if a keyword exists before attempting to replace it.
' Purpose: While short, this short module does most of the work with the help of the generation keywords
' range on the lists sheet. It loops through every simple keyword that might appear in a document
' and calls a function to have it replaced with the corresponding data from pricing.
Private Sub RunSimpleReplacements(ByRef oDoc As Word.Document)
Dim DocGenKeys As Range, valueSrc As Range
Dim value As String
Dim i As Integer
Set DocGenKeys = Lists.Range("DocumentGenerationKeywords")
For i = 1 To DocGenKeys.Rows.Count
If WordDocContains(oDoc, "#" & DocGenKeys.Cells(i, 1).Text & "#") Then
'Find the text that we will be replacing the placeholder keyword with
Set valueSrc = Range(Mid(DocGenKeys.Cells(i, 2).Formula, 2))
If valueSrc.MergeCells Then value = valueSrc.MergeArea.Cells(1, 1).Text Else value = valueSrc.Text
'Perform the replacement
WordDocReplace oDoc, "#" & DocGenKeys.Cells(i, 1).Text & "#", value
End If
Next i
End Sub
This is the function used to detect whether a keyword exists in the document:
' Purpose: Function called for each replacement to first determine as quickly as possible whether
' the document contains the keyword, and thus whether replacement actions must be taken.
Public Function WordDocContains(ByRef oDoc As Word.Document, ByVal searchFor As String) As Boolean
Application.StatusBar = "Checking for keyword: " & searchFor
WordDocContains = False
Dim storyRange As Word.Range
For Each storyRange In oDoc.StoryRanges
With storyRange.Find
.Text = searchFor
WordDocContains = WordDocContains Or .Execute
End With
If WordDocContains Then Exit For
End Function
And this is where the rubber meets the road - the code that executes the replacement. This routine got more complicated as I encountered difficulties. Here are the lessons you will only learn from experience:
You can set the replacement text directly, or you can use the clipboard. I found out the hard way that if you are doing a VBA replace in word using a string longer than 255 characters, the text will get truncated if you try to place it in the Find.Replacement.Text
, but you can use "^c"
as your replacement text, and it will get it directly from the clipboard. This was the workaround I got to use.
Simply calling replace will miss keywords in some text areas like headers and footers. Because of this, you actually need to iterate over the document.StoryRanges
and run the search and replace on each one to ensure that you catch all instances of the word you want to replace.
If you're setting the Replacement.Text
directly, you need to convert Excel line breaks (vbNewLine
and Chr(10)
) with a simple vbCr
for them to appear properly in word. Otherwise, anywhere your replacement text has line breaks coming from an excel cell will end up inserting strange symbols into word. If you use the clipboard method however, you do not need to do this, as the line breaks get converted automatically when put in the clipboard.
That explains everything. Comments should be pretty clear too. Here's the golden routine that executes the magic:
' Purpose: This function actually performs replacements using the Microsoft Word API
Public Sub WordDocReplace(ByRef oDoc As Word.Document, ByVal replaceMe As String, ByVal replaceWith As String)
Dim clipBoard As New MSForms.DataObject
Dim storyRange As Word.Range
Dim tooLong As Boolean
Application.StatusBar = "Replacing instances of keyword: " & replaceMe
'We want to use regular search and replace if we can. It's faster and preserves the formatting that
'the keyword being replaced held (like bold). If the string is longer than 255 chars though, the
'standard replace method doesn't work, and so we must use the clipboard method (^c special character),
'which does not preserve formatting. This is alright for schedules though, which are always plain text.
If Len(replaceWith) > 255 Then tooLong = True
If tooLong Then
clipBoard.SetText IIf(replaceWith = vbNullString, "", replaceWith)
'Convert excel in-cell line breaks to word line breaks. (Not necessary if using clipboard)
replaceWith = Replace(replaceWith, vbNewLine, vbCr)
replaceWith = Replace(replaceWith, Chr(10), vbCr)
End If
'Replacement must be done on multiple 'StoryRanges'. Unfortunately, simply calling replace will miss
'keywords in some text areas like headers and footers.
For Each storyRange In oDoc.StoryRanges
With storyRange.Find
.MatchWildcards = True
.Text = replaceMe
.Replacement.Text = IIf(tooLong, "^c", replaceWith)
.Wrap = wdFindContinue
.Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll
End With
On Error Resume Next
Set storyRange = storyRange.NextStoryRange
On Error GoTo 0
Loop While Not storyRange Is Nothing
If tooLong Then clipBoard.SetText ""
If tooLong Then clipBoard.PutInClipboard
End Sub
When the dust settles, we're left with a beautiful version of the initial document with production values in place of those hash marked keywords. I'd love to show an example, but of course every