There are several way to achieve this, I'm describing one here, which should be relatively straight forward, even if your defualt "python" variable is not anaconda's.
- Check what is your desired anaconda environment (if you're not sure what does this mean, it probably means that you are using root, the default environment)
- Run:
conda info --envs
to see the path where your environment is installed
- Go to that path, and find the absolute path to python.exe, for example:
"C:Program FilesAnaconda3python.exe"
- Now, run the following command:
<absolute path to python.exe> -m pip install <path to tar.gz>
for example:
C:Program FilesAnaconda3python.exe -m pip install c:mymodulegreat.tar.gz
Note that <path to tar.gz>
can be relative, absolute and even an online link.