You can't just call the function name, you will need to write an inline SQL statement which makes use of the UDF:
SqlCommand Totalf = new SqlCommand("SELECT dbo.Tcupom(@code)", conex1);
And remove the CommandType
, this isn't a Stored Procedure, its a User Defined Function.
In all:
public void TotalCupom(int cupom)
float SAIDA;
SqlDataAdapter da2 = new SqlDataAdapter();
if (conex1.State == ConnectionState.Closed)
SqlCommand Totalf = new SqlCommand("SELECT dbo.Tcupom(@code)", conex1);
SqlParameter code1 = new SqlParameter("@code", SqlDbType.Int);
code1.Value = cupom;
SAIDA = Totalf.ExecuteScalar();
return SAIDA;