This one splits a file up by newlines and writes it back out. You can change the delimiter easily. This can also handle uneven amounts as well, if you don't have a multiple of splitLen lines (20 in this example) in your input file.
splitLen = 20 # 20 lines per file
outputBase = 'output' # output.1.txt, output.2.txt, etc.
# This is shorthand and not friendly with memory
# on very large files (Sean Cavanagh), but it works.
input = open('input.txt', 'r').read().split('
at = 1
for lines in range(0, len(input), splitLen):
# First, get the list slice
outputData = input[lines:lines+splitLen]
# Now open the output file, join the new slice with newlines
# and write it out. Then close the file.
output = open(outputBase + str(at) + '.txt', 'w')
# Increment the counter
at += 1