To do that we code one of the Paint
Here the ValueToPixelPosition
functions are valid and provide us with the necessary conversion between the DataPoint
values and Chart
private void chart1_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
// we assume two series variables are set..:
if (sps1 == null || sps2 == null) return;
// short references:
Axis ax = chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisX;
Axis ay = chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisY;
// now we convert all values to pixels
List<PointF> points1 = sps1.Points.Select(x=>
new PointF((float)ax.ValueToPixelPosition(x.XValue),
List<PointF> points2 = sps2.Points.Select(x=>
new PointF((float)ax.ValueToPixelPosition(x.XValue),
// one list forward, the other backward:
GraphicsPath gp = new GraphicsPath();
gp.FillMode = FillMode.Winding; // the right fillmode
// it will work fine with either Splines or Lines:
if (sps1.ChartType == SeriesChartType.Spline ) gp.AddCurve(points1.ToArray());
else gp.AddLines(points1.ToArray());
if (sps2.ChartType == SeriesChartType.Spline) gp.AddCurve(points2.ToArray());
else gp.AddLines(points2.ToArray());
// pick your own color, maybe a mix of the Series colors..
using (SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(66, Color.DarkCyan)))
e.Graphics.FillPath(brush, gp);
Note that this is not tested for zooming..