Note: do not use eval in any case where you are getting the name to look up from user entered input. For example, if this comes from a web page, there is nothing preventing anyone from entering:
__import__("os").system("Some nasty command like rm -rf /*")
as the argument. Better is to limit to well-defined lookup locations such as a dictionary or instance using getattr(). For example, to find the "post" value on self, use:
varname = "post"
value = getattr(self, varname) # Gets
Similarly to set it, use setattr():
value = setattr(self, varname, new_value)
To handle fully qualified names, like "", you could use something like the below functions in place of getattr() / setattr().
def getattr_qualified(obj, name):
for attr in name.split("."):
obj = getattr(obj, attr)
return obj
def setattr_qualified(obj, name, value):
parts = name.split(".")
for attr in parts[:-1]:
obj = getattr(obj, attr)
setattr(obj, parts[-1], value)