I found a simple and, I think, elegant solution.
Using tags.
I first created a new XML file called 'tags' and put in the following code:
<resources xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
<item name="pos" type="id" />
Whenever I myself use spin.setSelection(pos)
, I also do spin.setTag(R.id.pos, pos)
, so I am setting the current position as a tag.
Then, in onItemSelected, I am executing code only if(spin.getTag(R.id.pos) != position)
, where position is the position variable supplied by the function.
In this way, my code is executed only when the user is making a selection.
Since the user has made a selection, the tag has not been updated, so after the processing is done, I update the tag as spin.setTag(R.id.pos, position)
NOTE: It is important to use the same adapter throughout, or the "position" variable might point to different elements.
EDIT: As kaciula pointed out, if you're not using multiple tags, you can use the simpler version, that is spin.setTag(pos)
and spin.getTag()
WITHOUT the need for an XML file.