In the sum two floats, is there any precision lost?
If both floats have differing magnitude and both are using the complete precision range (of about 7 decimal digits) then yes, you will see some loss in the last places.
This is because floats are stored in the form of (sign) (mantissa) × 2(exponent). If two values have differing exponents and you add them, then the smaller value will get reduced to less digits in the mantissa (because it has to adapt to the larger exponent):
PS> [float]([float]0.0000001 + [float]1)
In the sum of a float and a integer, is there any precision lost?
Yes, a normal 32-bit integer is capable of representing values exactly which do not fit exactly into a float. A float can still store approximately the same number, but no longer exactly. Of course, this only applies to numbers that are large enough, i.?e. longer than 24 bits.
Because float has 24 bits of precision and (32-bit) integers have 32. float will still be able to retain the magnitude and most of the significant digits, but the last places may likely differ:
PS> [float]2100000050 + [float]100