In, the initialize function is:
def __init__(self, documents=None):
self.token2id = {} # token -> tokenId
self.id2token = {} # reverse mapping for token2id; only formed on request, to save memory
self.dfs = {} # document frequencies: tokenId -> in how many documents this token appeared
self.num_docs = 0 # number of documents processed
self.num_pos = 0 # total number of corpus positions
self.num_nnz = 0 # total number of non-zeroes in the BOW matrix
if documents is not None:
Function add_documents Build dictionary from a collection of documents. Each document is a list
of tokens:
def add_documents(self, documents):
for docno, document in enumerate(documents):
if docno % 10000 == 0:"adding document #%i to %s" % (docno, self))
_ = self.doc2bow(document, allow_update=True) # ignore the result, here we only care about updating token ids"built %s from %i documents (total %i corpus positions)" %
(self, self.num_docs, self.num_pos))
So ,if you initialize Dictionary in this way, you must pass documents but not a single document. For example,
dic = corpora.Dictionary([a.split()])
is OK.