I'm not an expert in Shiny, but It seems that it's not possible to trigger one observer with dynamically generated inputs. My workaround is based on this answer: R shiny - last clicked button id.
The idea is to keep track of the last selection on all the dynamicallygenerated selectInput
's using a JavaScript function. That function will update a shiny input variable with the id of the last selectedInput
Below is you code modified with the solution. Please note that because we need to distinguish between the dynamically generated selectInput
's and others selectInput
's, I wrapped those selectInput
's in a div
with a dummy class. The JavaScript function will only react to those that are inside that div
. Also, the functions will generate a random number inside the JavaScript function to make the observer react to changes in the same selectInput
ui <- dashboardPage(
dashboardHeader(title = "Dynamic selectInput"),
# keep track of the last selection on all selectInput created dynamically
tags$script("$(document).on('change', '.dynamicSI select', function () {
// to report changes on the same selectInput
Shiny.onInputChange('lastSelect', Math.random());
numericInput("graph_tytle_num","Number of Graph Title elements",value = 1,min = 1,max = 10),
server <- function(input, output, session) {
output$menuitem <- renderMenu({
menuItem("Menu item", icon = icon("calendar"))
#elements of graphic titles
output$graph_title <- renderUI({
buttons <- as.list(1:input$graph_tytle_num)
# use a div with class = "dynamicSI" to distinguish from other selectInput's
div( class = "dynamicSI",
lapply(buttons, function(i)
selectInput(inputId = paste0("title_element",i),
label = paste("Title element",i),
choices = paste0(LETTERS[i],seq(1,i*2)),
selected = 1)
# react to changes in dynamically generated selectInput's
if (!is.null(input$lastSelectId)) {
cat("lastSelectId:", input$lastSelectId, "
cat("Selection:", input[[input$lastSelectId]], "
isolate({ #I dont want to have the numericInput input$graph_tytle_num to be a trigger
#Create the graph title
title <- c()
for(i in 1:input[["graph_tytle_num"]]){
title <- paste(title,input[[paste0("title_element",i)]])
output$plot <-renderPlot({hist(rnorm(100,4,1),
breaks = 10,
main = title)})
shinyApp(ui, server)
Finally, you can extend this approach to any other Shiny widget just by modifying the selector on the JavaScript function. For instance, if you want to have actionButton
's you can change the event
and the selector
from change
and select
to click
and button