So there are a few things not immediately clear about your code, but I think here the most relevant bits are that you want to specify the filename with file =
in the open
statement, not the formatting, and looping over units with iout is problematic because you'll eventually hit system-defined units for stdin and stdout. Also, with that format line it looks like you're getting ready to create the filename, but you never actually use it.
I'm not sure where you're; going with the mod test, etc, but below is a stripped down version of above which just creates the files ina loop:
program manyfiles
implicit none
character(len=70) :: fn
integer, parameter :: numfiles=40
integer, parameter :: outunit=44
integer :: filenum, j
do filenum=1,numfiles
! build filename -- i.dat
write(fn,fmt='(i0,a)') filenum, '.dat'
! open it with a fixed unit number
open(unit=outunit,file=fn, form='formatted')
! write something
write(outunit, *) filenum
! close it
end program manyfiles