You can accomplish this with a formula in a series of columns (each sequentially concatenating from the previous) or with a UDF (User Defined Function).
Formula Method
The formula in F2 is,
The formula in G2 is,
=IF(LEN(B2), F2&","&B2, F2)
Fill G2 right to catch all of the available text values.
VBA UDF Method
Tap Alt+F11 and when the VBE opens, immediately use the pull-down menus to Insert ? Module (Alt+I,M). Paste the following into the new pane titled something like Book1 - Module1 (Code).
Function udf_stitch_Together(r As Range, Optional d As String = ", ") As String
Dim s As String, c As Range
For Each c In r
If CBool(Len(c.Text)) Then _
s = s & IIf(Len(s), d, vbNullString) & c.Text
Next c
udf_stitch_Together = s
End Function
Tap Alt+Q to return to your worksheet.
The syntax is simply,
udf_stitch_Together(<range to concatenate>, <[optional] delimiter>)
For your purposes this would be,
??... or,
=udf_stitch_Together(A2:P2, ", ")
Fill down as necessary. Note that I have used =udf_stitch_Together(A5:P5, ";")
in F5:F6 to demonstrate the ability to change the delimiter.