I would like building an executable for a python 3 script that:
- imports pyqtgraph (with pyqt5)
- imports theano and pymc3
- also imports numpy, scipy, sys, os
- opens a simple GUI made with qt designer and stored in a ‘.ui' file
- will be distributed on machines with Windows 7+
I tried several tools (py2exe, pyinstaller, pynsist, cx_Freeze) during hours but failed each time. my 'less worse’ result was with pyinstaller (see below) without theano part (and so without a part of the script). Can anyone help me ?
I have 3 files: 2 '.py' files (1 with the main and the other with a bunch of definitions) and a '.ui' describing the GUI. The script makes some statistical analyses, then plots some curves.
Here is an example of my failure with python 3.5 and cx_Freeze (which I think is the most advanced try I had, but I’m not restricted to those tools in particular): I put my 3 files in a directory on a windows machine where everything was painfully installed (with anaconda). I add a file ’setup.py’, which for cx_Freeze is:
from cx_Freeze import setup, Executable
import os
os.environ['TCL_LIBRARY'] = r'C:Program FilesPython 3.5clcl8.6'
os.environ['TK_LIBRARY'] = r'C:Program FilesPython 3.5clk8.6'
os.environ['PYQTGRAPH_QT_LIB'] = 'PyQt5'
name = ‘concentrationprofiles',
version = '0.1',
description = 'simple tool to simulate concentration profiles. preliminary',
author = 'SPH',
options = dict(
build_exe = dict(
packages = ['os','sys','numpy','theano','pymc3','pyqtgraph'],#omitting ‘scipy’ ! for some reason when I put ’scipy’ in this list the building fails, but it works without… probably the ‘import scipy’ inside the code is properly interpreted
includes = ['numpy.core._methods','numpy.lib.format',
include_files = ['GUI_cprofiles_jul17.ui']
executables = [Executable(
I then execute the command line ’python setup.py build’ in the anaconda prompt (equivalent to the command prompt to my knowledge) in the directory with the 4 files. After a lot of episodes and hours of fighting, the building looks fine (100s lines with no error message and going until the end), it creates a ‘build’ directory with a ‘exe.win-amd64-3.5’ subdirectory containing everything needed + the .exe. But when I try and run this .exe I get nothing: no error message, no console or window opening, no fast opening-closing and I can’t find a log… just nothing
I tried to change the ‘base’ option from ‘Win32GUI’ to base=’Console’ and base=None. In these cases I guess there is a fast console-opening-closing that I cannot read since I don’t find the log.
Here are few other bad results during other tries:
py2exe: turns out to be incompatible with my usual python 3.6, so I downgraded to 3.5. But even in 3.5, after a few lines it froze: once again no error message, no console or window opening, no fast opening-closing and I can’t find a log… just nothing. not even a ‘build’ directory. Another time I also tried an alternative with python 3.4 but I got an error concerning a missing ‘msvcr100.dll’ that I tried to install following instructions on forums. When I eventually got the permission to modify system directories, an instruction ‘regsvr32’ failed (isn’t this for 32 bits only ? but there is no ‘regsvr64’…). I eventually gave up
pyinstaller: see updates
pynsist: The principle of pynsist is that you don’t get an executable but an installer only. Why not ? I don’t need a .exe as long as I can distribute the code. Unfortunately, after building the installer (with no error) and installing it (again with no visible error), the program gives nothing, like in the cx_Freeze case.
I can add a link to the script files if you want/need.
update august, 18, 2017, 9:20am
Following the suggestion, I opened a new post concerning pyinstaller: build a .exe for Windows from a python 3 script importing theano with pyinstaller.
I invite you to answer the pyinstaller concerns there. This question will be marked as answered if my problem is solved with py2exe or cx_freeze.
update september, 2, 2pm:
I eventually managed to build a .exe with pyinstaller after many episodes.
Unfortunately I failed to deal with the ‘theano’ module (that is required in my case by the ‘pymc3’ module) and I had to modify the .py files and give up part of the application. Could anyone help me building a .exe for windows 7+, with the ‘theano’ module ?
See Question&Answers more detail: