Your question risks down-voting or at least comments in the sense of "What have you tried?"
However, I've written you a small example in Java which you can easily adapt to C# as iText and iTextSharp share more or less the same syntax.
The example is called VariableHeader
and these are the most interesting snippets:
First I create a custom implementation of the PdfPageEvent
interface (using PdfPageEventHelper
). It's important to understand that you can't use the onStartPage()
method (for reasons described in my book), use the onEndPage()
method instead.
public class Header extends PdfPageEventHelper {
protected Phrase header;
public void setHeader(Phrase header) {
this.header = header;
public void onEndPage(PdfWriter writer, Document document) {
PdfContentByte canvas = writer.getDirectContentUnder();
ColumnText.showTextAligned(canvas, Element.ALIGN_RIGHT, header, 559, 806, 0);
As you can see, the text of the header is stored in a variable that can be changed using the setHeader()
method we created.
The event is declared to the PdfWriter
like this:
PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(document, new FileOutputStream(filename));
Header event = new Header();
I change the header Phrase
before invoking the newPage()
event.setHeader(new Phrase(String.format("THE FACTORS OF %s", i)));
In my simple example, I generate a document that lists the factors of all the numbers from 2 to 300: variable_header.pdf. The header of each page says "THE FACTORS OF X" where X is the number of which the factors are shown on that page.
You can easily adapt this to show different customer names instead of numbers.