Consider the following models (and use of has_many through) :
class Reading < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :region,
inverse_of: :readings
class Region < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :readings,
inverse_of: :region
has_many :stores,
inverse_of: :region
class Store < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :region,
inverse_of: :stores
belongs_to :manager,
inverse_of: :stores
class Manager < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :stores,
inverse_of: :region
has_many :emails,
inverse_of: :manager
has_many :regions,
through: :stores
has_many :readings,
through: :regions
class Email < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :manager,
inverse_of: :emails
Now your question is a little ambiguous because you say you want to obtain readings for a manager but your SQL doesn't select readings at all and also prescribes a region.
Assuming you want all Reading's matching a given Manager and Region:
@readings = Reading.joins(region: { stores: :manager }).where(
manager: { name: 'John Smith' },
region: { id: 1234567 })
Assuming you also want to eager load regions, stores and managers to avoid 1+N queries:
@readings = Reading.includes(region: { stores: :manager }).where(
manager: { name: 'John Smith' },
region: { id: 1234567 })
Assuming you have a managers name and want both their details and readings:
@manager = Manager.where(name: 'John Smith').first!
@readings = manager.readings
All of the above query examples return ActiveRecord::Relation
's which can be further chained with where
conditions, or joins
, limit
, group
, having
and order
You should also consider the differences of joins
, includes
, preload
, eager_load
and references
methods. There is a brief on them here I would alos encourage you to read docs, guides and blogs about Arel as it supports joins and aliasing too.
After using ActiveRecord in anger for a while now I have come to the conclusion that Sequel/SequelModel is a much better DB/ORM than ActiveRecord. No disrespect to the developers but I've found Sequel is a better tool. Arel has thin documentation for years now and ActiveRecord/Arel have failings in a number of areas such as join conditions, control of join types and eager loading, unions, intersections, recursive queries, trees/adjacency lists, and many other SQL features that Sequel covers.
Since you appear to be just starting out with AR you may wish to instead start out with Sequel than struggle with weaknesses and the frustrations of ActiveRecord querying including the disjointed use of AR and Arel, Relations vs Associations and query composition oddities, it goes on and on. There is nothing more frustrating than knowing the SQL you want but ActiveRecord/Arel conspire to stop you so you're forced to use the touted escape route and 'just use SQL string fragment' and you get back a result that can't be chained, but the rest of your code expects a Relation! (eg paged results)