Here is an example implementation of this logic to work with WTForms native functionality. The trick here, is if you want to use WTForms validation, you need to instantiate the form with every possible value, then modify the available options in Javascript to show the filtered values based on the other select.
For this example I'm going to use the concept of States and Counties (I work with a lot of geo data so this is a common implementation I build).
Here's my form, I've assigned unique IDs to the important elements to access them from Javascript:
class PickCounty(Form):
form_name = HiddenField('Form Name')
state = SelectField('State:', validators=[DataRequired()], id='select_state')
county = SelectField('County:', validators=[DataRequired()], id='select_county')
submit = SubmitField('Select County!')
Now, the Flask view to instantiate and process the form:
@app.route('/pick_county/', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def pick_county():
form = PickCounty(form_name='PickCounty')
form.state.choices = [(row.ID, row.Name) for row in State.query.all()]
form.county.choices = [(row.ID, row.Name) for row in County.query.all()]
if request.method == 'GET':
return render_template('pick_county.html', form=form)
if form.validate_on_submit() and request.form['form_name'] == 'PickCounty':
# code to process form
flash('state: %s, county: %s' % (,
return redirect(url_for('pick_county'))
A Flask view to respond to XHR requests for Counties:
def _get_counties():
state = request.args.get('state', '01', type=str)
counties = [(row.ID, row.Name) for row in County.query.filter_by(state=state).all()]
return jsonify(counties)
And, finally, the Javascript to place at the bottom of your Jinja template. I'm assuming because you mentioned Bootstrap, that you are using jQuery. I'm also assuming this is in line javascript so I'm using Jinja to return the correct URL for the endpoint.
<script charset="utf-8" type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
// jQuery selection for the 2 select boxes
var dropdown = {
state: $('#select_state'),
county: $('#select_county')
// call to update on load
// function to call XHR and update county dropdown
function updateCounties() {
var send = {
state: dropdown.state.val()
dropdown.county.attr('disabled', 'disabled');
$.getJSON("{{ url_for('_get_counties') }}", send, function(data) {
data.forEach(function(item) {
$('<option>', {
value: item[0],
text: item[1]
// event listener to state dropdown change
dropdown.state.on('change', function() {