I was working on my windows form program, and i saw that the login function (linked to a simple button) freeze my application. I searched on internet and i found how to create a task, but i'm not sure about how it works ...
That's my login function, how can i correctly translate it into a task?
string sURL = url + "/login";
string result = null;
await Task.Run(() =>
result = Web_api.MakeRequest("POST", sURL); //return null if there is some error
catch(Exception ex)
Debug.WriteLine("[frmLogin] --> result: " + result);
if(result != null)
Login_response accepted = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Login_response>(result);
Debug.WriteLine("[frm_Login] --> accepted: " + accepted);
if (accepted.login)
//throw new Exception();
Debug.WriteLine("[frm_login]: result " + result);
frmMain frm = new frmMain(); //calling the new form
frm.Show(); //new form is show-up
this.Hide(); //log-in form hide
frm.FormClosed += Frm_FormClosed; //close the form
//if server is down, or the id or password is wrong
catch (Exception ex)
lblLoginError.Visible = true; //pop-up the error label
pbLogin.Visible = false; //hide the progress-bar
this.Style = MetroFramework.MetroColorStyle.Red; //changing the color of the form
Debug.WriteLine("Exception: " + ex);
lblLoginError.Visible = true; //pop-up the error label
pbLogin.Visible = false; //hide the progress-bar
this.Style = MetroFramework.MetroColorStyle.Red; //changing the color of the form
EDIT: i provided a real (and working) soluction and i followed all the suggestion in the comments ... do you think this could be acceptable?