You can do it using the Text Input Services API:
NSArray* sources = CFBridgingRelease(TISCreateInputSourceList((__bridge CFDictionaryRef)@{ (__bridge NSString*)kTISPropertyInputSourceID : @"" }, FALSE));
TISInputSourceRef source = (__bridge TISInputSourceRef)sources[0];
OSStatus status = TISSelectInputSource(source);
if (status != noErr)
/* handle error */;
The dictionary in the first line can use other properties for other criteria for picking an input source.
There's also NSTextInputContext
. It has a selectedKeyboardInputSource
which can be set to an input source ID to select a different input source. The issue there is that you need an instance of NSTextInputContext
to work with and one of those exists only when you have a key window with a text view as its first responder.