Try approaching the problem from the opposite way round - what you're trying to do is equivalent to "find n numbers in the range 0-31".
Suppose you're trying to find 4 numbers. You start with [0,1,2,3] and then increase the last number each time (getting [0,1,2,4], [0,1,2,5] ...) until you hit the limit [0,1,2,31]. Then increase the penultimate number, and set the last number to one higher: [0,1,3,4]. Go back to increasing the last number: [0,1,3,5], [0,1,3,6]... etc. Once you hit the end of this, you go back to [0,1,4,5] - eventually you reach [0,1,30,31] at which point you have to backtrack one step further: [0,2,3,4] and off you go again. Keep going until you finally end up with [28,29,30,31].
Given a set of numbers, it's obviously easy to convert them into the 32 bit numbers.