I have looked over quite a bit of answers to try and hack this together, but I am having issues getting this to run with a foreach type of statement, and I can't seem to get the regex to work as a one-line - if it did the foreach I am trying to use would work, but the regex ends up returning the whole line instead of the text I need to extract.
Here is what I am using currently:
$importPath = '.file.LOG'
$string = Get-Content $importPath
$pattern = "FROM:<(.*?)> SIZE"
$result = [regex]::match($string, $pattern).Groups[1].Value
I am fairly pedestrian when it comes to powershell and am having trouble wrapping my head around how to make this return a string from every matching line in the file.
If there is a way to do this with a one liner that isn't obtuse I would prefer that method, but I am fine with doing this in a script or by assigning variables as well.