For example:
Transpose@Append[Transpose@array, column]
You can also make is a function like so:
subListAppend = Transpose@Append[Transpose@#1, #2] &;
subListAppend[array, column]
which makes it easier if you have to use it frequently. And of course if you want to insert at any place other than just the end you can use Insert[]
subListInsert = Transpose@Insert[Transpose@#1, #2, #3] &;
subListInsert[array, column, 2]
--> {{a, x, 1, 2}, {b, y, 2, 3}, {c, z, 3, 4}}
EDIT: Since the obligatory speed optimization discussion has started, here are some results using this and a 10000x200 array:
ArrayFlatten@{{array, List /@ column}}: 0.020 s
Transpose@Append[Transpose@array, column]: 0.067 s
MapThread[Append, {array, column}]: 0.083 s
MapThread[Insert[#1, #2, 4] &, {array, column}]: 0.095 s
Map[Flatten, Flatten[{array, column}, {2}]]: 0.26 s
ConstantArray based solution: 0.29 s
Partition[Flatten@Transpose[{array, column}], 4]: 0.48 s
And the winner is ArrayFlatten